Children's Fire-side Series (Abbott's Juvenile Series)

This series was introduced by Leavitt and Lord to accompany Abbott's Fireside Series (which was for adult reading). The publisher stated that the books of this new series were to involve subjects connected with moral and religious duty as well as to promote "an intelligent, practical, and cheerful piety". 

The series only consisted of two books which were published by three different firms between 1835 and 1847. Leavitt and Lord// Crocker and Brewster, Whipple and Damrell//Scofield and Voorhies, and Lewis Colby and Company.

Abbott's name does not appear as the author in the 1835 editions of these books. Book #1 has an anonymous author whereas #2 has the Abbott pseudonym Marianne.

Abbott contributed several of the eighteen sketches found in book #2. He wrote book #1.

1. Way for a Child to be Saved -anonymous (1834 Copyright)
2. Every-Day Duty- Marianne (1835 Copyright)

Leavitt, Lord and Company, New York/ Crocker and Brewster, Boston 1935

The first editions of both books were published by these firms in 1835. It is unclear whether the first edition of Way for a Child to be Saved was actually part of this series. The second edition of that title was absolutely part of the series. The books are 6 x 4.

#2-First Edition


Scofield and Voorhies, New York// Whipple and Damrell, Boston 1839

Jacob Abbott is noted as the author of Way to be Saved in this publisher's editions.  Marianne is shown as the author of Every Day Duty by this publisher.

These books have not been seen.


Lewis Colby, New York 1845, 1847

The Colby books have not been seen. Apparently there were two editions of each book. The 1847 Colby Way for a Child to be Saved in the 5th edition. Most likely the 1845 book is the fourth edition (not confirmed).


Sheldon & Co.

In 1860 Sheldon published Every Day Duty. The title page of the Sheldon edition is the same as the Leavitt, Lord & Co. first edition. At this time I have not seen a Sheldon copy of "Way for a Child to be Saved".