Weeks, Jordan and Company, Boston 1838, 1839, 1841

Weeks, Jordan published a new and uniform edition of the Rollo books in six volumes in 1838.
These books were:
1. The Little Scholar Learning to Talk
2. Learning to Read
3. At Work
4. At Play
5. At School
6. Vacation

In September 1839 it published the first editions of Experiments and Museum. These books were copyrighted by T. H. Carter in 1839. Thus by the end of 1839 the Weeks, Jordan Rollo Series consisted of eight books.

In 1841 Weeks Jordan published four Rollo books
1. Experiments
2. Museum
3. Travels
4. Correspondence
There is no evidence that the first six Rollo books were published by Weeks, Jordan and Company at that time.

There have been four blind stamped cover patterns noted. One is found on the earliest Weeks, Jordan books published in 1838. Three were published in 1839. No known priority is noted between the first two 1839 covers. The third cover noted below is the same as the 1841 cover and the undated cover and is thought to be the latest of the three 1839 covers. All of this publisher's books are 6.5 x 4.25.

1838 Edition

1839 First Edition

1839 Edition

1839 Edition

1839 Edition

1839 Edition (latest 1839 cover)

1841 Edition

Unknown date but published between 1839 and 1841